
Afraid to Fall

A few weeks ago I wrote a post
about my experience working in a certain retail store.
Although THAT store was not the 
perfect fit for me,
my dream is to eventually open my own.
One day I WILL.
I BELIEVE that with all my heart.
In the meantime, I am subbing
for the school district
scouring Kitsap County for great
furniture pieces.
The hardest part has been finding the space to work
and store the pieces.
We have a crowded one car garage, that my sweet husband
has tried to make functional for me.
We have 2 guest rooms that
I can place things in...
but they are UPSTAIRS...STEEP stairs.

Not hardly practical.
So...I do what I can, as I can, when I can.
Enjoying every minute of it.
Its such a part of WHO I AM.
I cant let it go.
NO OTHER JOB fills my heart and soul
the same.  
But lately, I'm feeling a little defeated.
Maybe its because I turned 45
last week.

Maybe its because I'm missing my dad
who was a big dreamer...
and encourager.

Fall 2006
A few days after open heart surgery

He passed away a year later from a catastrophic stroke.

Maybe it's because its dark and rainy today....ha ha ha
Maybe its because we really don't have the space
or financial resources right now to grow this business.
(fixing the roof & having the house painted this
summer was expensive!)

I've carried this dream in my heart 
for so long,
BEFORE dinosaurs fixing up furniture
was even cool.
I fight the thoughts that say I'm too old to continue dreaming.
I know it isn't true.
My children are young adults, I have more time on my hands
than EVER before.
But I'm stuck.
I'm trying to find the balance of making my dream come true
while keeping my feet grounded in reality.
AND fighting the fear of failure.

I would like to find a network
of women like me
in my area.
Positive women that want to get together to inspire each other,
share ideas and conquer fears.
Have fun. Blossom.

I don't think I am alone with these feelings.


  1. I don't think we're ever too old to give up on our dreams! But I, like you, get discouraged from time to time. One day you will have your store...and I will be a famous writer :)

  2. Thanks Kristen! You WILL be a famous writer! I always enjoy your blog posts:) xoxoxo Jodi

  3. First of all, the photo of your Dad kissing your temple is the most beautiful picture I've seen in a while!

    Second of all, please don't give up the dream! We need your store in Kitsap! I would love to see a blog post about your vision for your store front...a storyboard of sorts, would it be all refinished furniture? Do you have a color pallet in mind? Do you have a name? Where would it be?

    You may already be familiar, but there is a non-profit group called "Washington CASH" which might be worth looking up- it's a class (I think one evening a week or so for about 3 months?) which supports small businesses. They teach about writing your business plan, doing market analysis, laws, etc- and I believe have loan & scholarship programs for graduates of the class. http://washingtoncash.org/ It may be helpful and would surely produce the network of likeminded, local individuals who share your dream of owning a business.

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