
Girls weekend!

Last year about this time
my friend Shannon and I went to 
in Wenatchee, WA.

We are headed there AGAIN, and this time we
are bringing our other bestie, Sheila.
Sheila and her husband sell amazing stuff...Shabby Stuff...
on Camano Island.

It should be a really good time.
Never a dull moment.
But...you know what they we say...
what happens in Wenatchee...stays in Wenatchee...

Last year, the new house was a blank slate.
I can't wait to see what she has done with the place.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

PS...Today my husband was all dressed up in his super *HOT* (sexy!)
dress uniform (as in the Officer & Gentlemen kind of hubba hubba) to go
to a "function".

When he arrived it turned out that HE was the one scheduled to
speak to a large group of local high school students.
It's a good thing he is a natural speaker.  His own story is 
a great message about joining the Navy as a Seaman (very bottom),
 working hard, and
pushing yourself up the ladder.
I am so proud of him!
If that was me...I would have needed a paper sack to breath in...
*just sayin'*

Hmmm, There is just somethin' about a man in uniform...
yah, my mind is still there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/30/2012

    Memories are going to be made!!!! :)


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