
The Boy, His Car...and the Empty Nest

Jordon was born with a hot wheel in his hand.
Every letter to Santa included something with wheels
that went fast.

When he was 2 years old he would drag the big wheel up to the top
of the hill in our culdesac.
Not even big enough to reach the pedals, still in a diaper and a "paci" in his mouth,
he would sit in the big wheel and fly down the hill.
He stopped it by running up the curb and into the landscape.
Thankfully, he never hit the fence or parked cars!!

He had a bright yellow helmet with bumble bees all over it.
And a bright yellow "paci" to match.
The helmet was pretty much strapped to his head whenever he went outside.
I knew if he found something with wheels, he would be on it.

One day, when he was about 5 he came into the house with
road rash and blood on his bare chest.
"Jordon, are you alright!!?" I exclaimed.
Brushing off his chest he said
"Aw, this? I'm fine mom! I just have to pee".

For the next 13 years we listened as he 
daydreamed about snowmobiles, dirt bikes, ATVs, and a cool car.
Santa never delivered, much to his disappointment.

So, when he came to us last Fall 
wanting to attend Wyotech after graduation, 
we were not surprised at all.
It was a natural fit for the boy who loved everything with wheels.

Knowing Jordon needed a car for school, 
and that the 15 year old car he had wasn't reliable enough, 
we worked out a deal with him.
Santa finally delivered!
He has worked hard turning
it into his dream car.

Three weeks ago we drove up to Bellingham to say goodbye to his
older brother Jarrod.

Then a few days later we loaded up the little blue car and headed out!

I sat in the passenger seat while my son drove us
from home to Laramie, WY.
We took our time and enjoyed the sites.

We talked about his future plans, his excitement and his concerns.
We laughed and laughed in between 
my panic attacks at 80 mph.
"Honey, there are guard rails for a reason..."

We stayed in several hotels,
ate at many restaurants,
stopped to let Buffalo cross the streets,

and took a ton of pictures....
of his car.

Once there, enrollment took hours.
I tried not to be "in the moment" because I knew
the reality of leaving him there would come over me like a tidal wave.
So I made a lot of small talk to anyone who'd listen.

Then... it was our turn to sit down and talk to the lady who explained the 
little "mommy" details like what to do if they get sick,
or need emotional support...and
and then it happened.

My eyes started leaking. 

Thanksgiving here without his family?
Without ANY family?
"We have a big dinner here in the shop and many people volunteer...."
and then she handed me a tissue as she started to tear up.
Her only child was 12, and I made her cry.
And then we hugged like two moms do when they think of leaving their baby.

I had a permanent lump in my throat and random crying spells the rest of the week.
At Walmart buying him food and toilet paper and laundry soap...
making up an emergency kit to keep in his car in case it breaks down in the snow.....
and the worst of all...

dropping me off at the airport to come home.

I am an ugly cryer.
Blotchy face, bloodshot eyes, snot.
with the occasional snort & sigh.
Not cute at all!

But I survived....and he is thriving!
He has made many friends and loves the classes.
After all, all the students have the same interests!

He has even adjusted to having to shave again.

Although my nest is empty, my heart is full of joy!
We are so proud of you Jordon!

As my dad would say...
"All is as it should be"

This is my favorite shot just coming out of Yellowstone in WY. The evening light
on the Fall color was breathtaking!


PS. It only took me a week of being back home before I needed a hug,
so I made another trip up to Bellingham to see my oldest son, Jarrod.
He treated me to lunch, shared laughs,  and I hugged him tighter than ever.
We are so proud of him too!!
He graduated in August from WWU!!!

PPS.  Congratulations to our daughter Janelle & Justin for celebrating their
one year Anniversary last week!!!
I can't wait to see them again. 

PPPS. Riding fast runs in the family...My mom is in her late 60's and just
got her motorcycle license!! And that's her sweet PT in the background.
Yep, loud and fast, its how we roll!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/18/2013

    Awh Mrs. Jodi! I love this post! Made me tear up thinking about my moving day! We didn't have as far to go as Jordie did (only four hours) but it was still hard having Mom, Dad, and Sam (my boyfriend) leave me at school! I remember that big wheel and the hill! Glad Jordan is thriving at school. Miss you guys! I will still be in Florida after Mom and Dad move to Maryland if you ever want to make the trip!
    Love you and reading your blogs, makes me think of the "good ol' days" on Fay Ct.


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