
Dance into 2012!

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.  Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other peoples thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
                          -Steve Jobs


My heart was full as my kids were home for the week.  There is a beautiful energy in the house with them here.  Its the heartbeat of a family. A rhythm of voices, laughter, teasing and my oldest son playing his guitar. It fills us overflowing with gratitude and joy.

Today the house is quiet and I'm picking up the leftovers of a wonderful week.  Things that would have bothered me years ago, but I savor now. Paper scattered on the bedroom floors, a stray sock left behind, empty dishes on the nightstand. They are remnants of the people I love and hold so dear. My children, my family.

So...now I'm a little teary. (and still in my Pj's at noon, by the way) I'm looking forward to helping Jeff put up the tile back splash today. Then we are meeting up with our dear friends for a movie out and appetizers.  It won't be a late night for us.  All the family time this week has left us a little worn out (in a good way!)

As each of our children bring in 2012 in their own special way, I pray that God will watch over and protect them, tonight and every night. I pray that God will guide their hearts to be all that He has created them to be, the courage to change what they can, trust in God to be beside them when they can't, and learn to celebrate the process!  

I pray for you too, my friends, that your new year brings joyful fresh starts. That you will take each moment and opportunity and dance with it. Take the lead and dance!


Happy New Years Everyone!
Please be safe, and don't drink & drive.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/31/2011

    Sniff. Sniff. Happy New Year! Love you FAB Friend! Diane


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