
That silly facebook game....

Recently, people all over Facebook are playing a fun game where
you are given a number and then you have to share that number of
facts about yourself people probably don't know.  I couldn't figure out
how to get a number...

....and I wanted to play too!

So, what's a girl to do? Well make one up herself, of course.  
I assigned myself a number, made my list and shared.
Then I realized....

Why not do something similar here?

....and then ask my readers to share a few fun facts about themselves too.
Please leave a comment so I don't feel too ridiculous....
seriously, please!


OK, so here I go, and a few of these are repeats from my personal Facebook page.

1.  I bit my nails into nubs until 3 years ago. I stopped cold turkey!

2.  I moved to Florida at 20 with my best friend. We drove our old cars, had CB radio's, and all our belongings in the backseat.  On the first night of driving, we lost each other in   Little Rock, AR. Using our CB radio's we found each other in the pitch black darkness!  That was the beginning of a GREAT adventure!

3.  In 7th grade I tried to play on a kids ball team. I struck out on the first try, started to cry and quit the team because I was embarrassed. What a wimp, right?

4. In 6th grade I broke my leg on my 3rd ski lesson. I had a thigh high cast for 2 months. On my first day back to school, my crutch slipped in spilled gravy at lunch, I fell backwards and hit my head on a lunch table and got sent home.

5. I was a self conscious, insecure child. See #3 & 4.

6. Our family had a foster child named Rosemary in the late 70's in Lacey, WA.
She was adopted to a family in Seattle prior to our family moving out of state. 
Its my hearts desire to find her one day!

7. I got stuck in the middle of a pond on a pony when I was 7 while visiting my grandparents farm.

8.  My absolute favorite flower is the Lilac. One year my friend Susan brought
over a GIANT bouquet from her yard in an old enamel pitcher.
It was one of my favorite gifts of all time.

9.  I prefer a big, juicy steak over chocolate any day of the week.

10.  In high school, I was a "mannequin model" for Casual Corner. I had to stand 
frozen in the front window for about 30 minutes at a time without moving.
It was fun to startle people walking by when I moved.
I didn't get paid, but got a great discount on the clothes!

11.  I still have my braces wrapped in tissue in my keepsake box.

12.  When I was 16 my dad and his friend (my boss) convinced me to participate in
a Filipino beauty pageant. The lovely ladies dressed me up in their
gorgeous authentic costumes. I was the only blond and placed second.
I think they were as confused as I was how that happened.
I'm still not sure how I qualified, but it was a great experience. I have pictures
in my keepsake box.

13.  I need to clean out my keepsake box. See #11 & 12

14.  I played Mary in the Christmas play when I was in 3rd grade...but
had to leave because I got a HUGE sliver in my butt while scooting across the bleachers.
See #5.

15. I LOVE carnival rides. ESPECIALLY the tilt-a-whirl! My laughter travels
for miles. Just ask my embarrassed children.

Just like you, I have other crazy stories I randomly like to share. If  you'd like 
to read more about me, click on the "Story of Me" tab. You never know
what I will decide to write about!

And PLEASE leave me a comment with a story about YOU!



  1. Anonymous11/18/2013

    Love you JG -
    I was Miss Sunshine in my home town, I won when I was like 12 years old and my cousin won for the older division. We wore princess crowns & fancy dresses, there was a huge town festival that every attended...

  2. Aw Sheila, you are STILL Miss Sunshine! Always a bright outlook and warm personality!! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Anonymous11/18/2013

    Growing up I had an inferiority complex BIG time. I was the only brunette in a family of four kids and my brother always said I was adopted (which I was NOT). My older brother was VERY good looking and well, I was just "Plain Jane". In high school no one knew my name--only that I was Ed's sister. Thank the LORD, now I am a very happy wife, mom & grandma to six wonderful grandkids. Jane VR

    1. You are not "plain" Jane now! and I bet you were as cute as can be! Thanks for sharing Jane :) xo


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