
Nuts, snorts, and kitchen update...

I'm a little embarrassed.
We are still working LONG and HARD
on our kitchen.
We are not youngin's anymore.
(shhh, don't say it out loud, I might hear you..
I'm in denial)
and it seems to be taking FOREVER.
Enough about THAT!

I hope you had a wonderful
Thanksgiving Holiday!
My sides still hurt
from the HOURS and HOURS
of laughing hysterically
with my husbands family.
We are very LOUD
when we get together, scary almost.
tears. snorting. howls.
But its the sound of happiness and love.
We are very blessed.
Too bad laughing doesn't burn (enough) calories....

I HAVE to share this story.
On Wednesday,
I asked my husband to please
 stop by the store
 and pick up...

* 3 Artichokes
* a few different color apples
* Mixed nuts
I needed these to decorate the Thanksgiving Table.
I guess I didn't clarify the nuts part
because he helped decorate the table by sprinkling
the nuts....

Ummm, honey, I meant WHOLE nuts.
ha ha ha
I love that guy.

 Although my daughter was
having her very first Holiday away from family.
She is also very blessed.
She has many "other mothers" looking
out for her, and I am Thankful for that!
She had TWO dinners on Thanksgiving day!!
Her facebook post read
"I am never eating again..."
ha ha ha
We missed you Janelle!
I hope you were also LOUD with happiness.


Here are our new floors....

It's a heavy laminate tile with some ground stone in it for texture.
We applied real grout in between as per instructions.
Unless you get down and inspect up close,  it looks just like the real thing.
We chose this because we needed a thin floor. A solid tile or wood
was just too thick due to years of other remodels (sub floor).
The idea of pulling up glued down particle board was just too much.
In a perfect world we would've liked to match the oak flooring into the kitchen.
It compliments the cabinets, paint and oak flooring nicely.
The photo looks mauve, but there is NO mauve in this floor. yuck.

We are gathering energy to finish
the laundry room as you read this.

New lighting!

The lighting is from Lowe's.
Jeff finished making the top trim
pieces for the windows...
they are drying and will go up tonight.

 I painted the ceiling a light, light blueish color.
Not for everyone, but on these dark grey winter days it makes 
me smile.
And...no birds will build a nest in here.
The crown moulding will go up later, and that will look great!!

Oh, and we are returning this stove
for a different one.
That's a story for another day.
I must start working now...
have a sander in hand and headed for the mystery wall...


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