
Interior Redesign!

Good Morning!

I have added a tab to the blog!
I love helping people use what they have
to create a warm and inviting home...staged for
the way THEY LIVE!

Many people wonder what is involved in a 
Interior Re-design!
The first thing that I suggest is for the client to look through
magazines, blogs, and decorating websites
 to get a feel for a look they love.
In most cases, their home is already a reflection of that, but may
need a little "tweaking".

Next, the client will need to identify the room (or rooms) that
aren't working for them. Sometimes that means completely
changing the purpose of a room! For example, changing a formal
living room into a large dining area, and the dining area into a office
or home school space, etc.  Its YOUR house and prime real estate!
Use it the way YOU need to use it...and lets make it pretty!

Next, with or without the homeowner present, we will box up and
pull items out of the room and then reintroduce the pieces that work
for that space. I will ask you to pull out collections or special items from
storage that have special meaning to you, and then we will incorporate them
into the design. By editing the unnecessary, and creating functional vignettes,
you will feel like you moved into a new home! I also love to re-purpose items
you already have. We will borrow things from other rooms to complete the
look! I will suggest other changes to be made at your leisure.  Such
as painting, furniture choices, etc.

Still not sure what an Interior Re-design is?
Give me a call, or email me and we can talk!

Live where you love, Love where you live!


  1. Thank you for writing about how you help others stage their rooms with their own possessions. I was interested in seeing the tabs at the top of your blog, thank you for naming them. Maybe I can now figure out how to do the same.
    - Joy

  2. Hi Joy!
    Thank you:) Adding a page is really easy and it will automatically make a tab for you. Go to Posting, then Edit Page, and Add a page. It will ask you what you want to name the tab, and then you create the page just like you would a regular post! Super simple. Cant wait to see what you are doing:)


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